Just what you need, right where you need it
Distance table & map
Obtain distances between 15000+ ports & places including SECA miles. The route is automatically plotted in the interactive map. Allow or avoid canals, piracy zones and (S)ECA.
Vessels database
The embedded database provides the commercial details of 20000+ dry cargo vessels, from small coasters to large ore carriers - or you can choose a generic type (e.g. Supramax 58).
Bunker prices
The integrated daily bunker prices in 150+ ports are automatically included in the estimation. You can select multiple bunkering ports and you may enter your own prices.
Stowage factors
The embedded database of 500+ cargo types assists you to quickly look up the indicative stowage factors of your intended bulk, bagged or baled cargoes.
Cargo intake calculator
The embedded intake calculator provides the approximate cargo intake on selected salt, brackish and fresh water drafts in combination with the cargo’s stowage factor.
Combine multiple
You may combine unlimited cargoes in each estimation, with different loading and discharging rates, at multiple loading and discharging ports, with separate freight rates.
Freight sensitivity
At a click of a button view the corresponding TCE and profit in increments of $0.25 in case of $/ton, or increments of $10,000 in case of lumpsum freight.
Demurrage & despatch
Customise your estimation when the expected port stay differs from the CP load/disch port stay. The module projects the demurrage or despatch and the respective amounts.
Dual rate calculation
Quickly calculate dual TC hire rates in case of long duration employments where you need 2 TC rates to apply (e.g. 1st 45 days at X rate and balance of days at Y rate).
Cash flow projection
Plan in advance your cash flow requirements and assess your exposure of paid out hires, bunkers & port costs until you receive the freight from your counter parties.
Holiday calendar
The embedded calendar provides the official holidays and non-working days in 230 countries and denotes the workweek days in each country (e.g. Oman: Sunday-Thursday).
Port information
Build your private database for quick access from anywhere. We have included 1000+ port calls with port DAs, restrictions and maximum size allowed.
Position lists
Discover hidden candidates or competition tonnage. View positions for thousands of vessels and generate custom position lists by setting your own criteria (geo area, dwt size, status, dates, etc).
Port history
Discover vessels' preferred trading patterns by viewing their past ports of call including dates. Instantly view which vessels are willing to call in the usual excluded countries.
Managers details
View vessels' commercial managers including their full style and contact details along with their managed fleet.
Fixtures database
Save time in search of the “last done” rate from a specific area for a specific vessel's size (e.g. search TC fixtures from ECSA for 35-65,000 dwt vessels during March).
Market report
Receive the daily market report in your inbox, monitor the market trend and view the reported fixtures. Because “information equals power”.
Laytime calculator
Calculate laytime easily and accurately. Set your own laytime criteria (reversible and non-reversible laytime, WTS/ATS, EIU/UU, prorata time counting, etc).
Post voyage results
Compare your estimations with post voyage figures. Auto-retrieve estimated figures from Magellan Voyage Estimator, or use as a stand-alone application.
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MAGELLAN works across all devices (PC, tablet, smart phone) in all operating systems (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, Chrome OS), without downloading any software.